Labour was also unable to live down its reputation as the party of high taxes 工党也无法让人忘记其高税党的名声。
I thought I'd never live it down. 我原以为大家永远都不会忘记这件事了。
Be grateful that you do not have to live down the renown of a father nor the wealth of an uncle. 你应该感谢,因为你不必靠着父亲的名望或伯叔的财产来生活。
I can't drive you home because I only live just down the road. 我不能开车送你回家,因为我就住在路的那头。
I don't think I could live down here all the time. 我认为我不能始终都住在这里。
After making such a big mistake, Melanie wondered how she would ever live it down. 犯了这么大的错误之后,梅拉尼不知如何补救才好。
Have you heard of Little Rock, Arkansas? My parents live down there. 你知道阿肯色州的小石城吗?我的父母就住在那边。
I'll never live down this fiasco! 我永远不会原谅这次惨败!
I "m afraid I" ll never live down that tactless remark I made. 恐怕我永远也没办法改正我那不谨慎的评价了。
It is one you are still trying to live down. 你现在还在努力淡忘这件事。
A farewell to a life out of the plan left the hospital, B to live down. 甲列了一张告别人生的计划表离开了医院,乙住了下来。
I feel like I'll never live down being the partner of a dirty cop. 我觉得我永远摆脱不了一个坏警察的搭档的身份。
I suppose it is odd that we live down here like this. 我们跑这儿来待着大概挺怪异的。
It will be difficult to live down this humiliation. 这个耻辱忘掉是难以做到的。
No way! I'd never live it down if my friends saw me working there. 我才不愿呢!要是被朋友看到我在加油站打工,我就没脸活下去了。
My son has taken up with the Jones boys who live down the road. 我儿子与住在路那一头的琼斯家的男孩子们很要好。
All the girls in my class are going except me! I'll never live it down! 除了我以外,我班上的其他女生全都去了!我永远也无法主从前忘掉这件事!
Club Valet said you live down the street. 酒吧的人说你就住在街角。
My parents live down in worcestershire, but they come uptolondonoccasionally. 我的父母住在伍斯特郡,但他们有时来伦敦。
She'll never let us live it down. 她不会让我们好过的。
After his release from prison, he vowed to live down his crimes. 他从狱中被释放以后,便发誓要改过自新。
Born in 1944 and raised on a walnut ranch in Modesto, California, the young Mr Lucas had no evident qualification to live down or move beyond that humbly named home town. 他出生于1944年,在加利福尼亚州莫德斯托(Modesto)的一处核桃园农场上长大,年轻时的卢卡斯并未明显展现出能使他定居在或者走出籍籍无名的家乡小镇的特质。
Throughout the book, the author maintains a down to earth tone, re-minding us that this football star is re-ally just an ordinary bloke who loves his family and could live down the street from you. 在这本书里,作者以一种亲和的笔调向我们讲述了足球明星其实也只是一个热爱家庭的普通人,也许他家和你就隔着一条街而已。
Beaten by the worst team in the league? They'll never live it down! 让联赛中最差劲的队打败了?这是永远也忘不了的事!
John is still trying to live down the excitement he caused when he broke the window. 约翰还在努力使人忘记他打碎了窗子时所造成的骚动。
He hopes to live down the scandal caused by the divorce proceedings. 他希望借新的生活忘却那因离婚而引起的丑闻。
They know everything, and they let me live it down. 他们对我一清二楚,让我改邪归正。
But above all be grateful that no one will have to live down either your renown or your wealth. 但是最应感谢的是,没有人必须靠着你的名誉或财产来生活。
Joan felt she could never live down the fact that she was an unwed mother. 琼觉得它无法使别人忘记她是个未婚妈妈的事实。
As soon as I live down, I became fast asleep. 我一躺下来就迅速睡着了。